Vulpes vulpes
The red fox is the larger member of the genus Vulpes and the most succesful. It has the wider distribution than any other carnivore Mammal. Its body is 45-90 cm long, 35-50 cm long and 2.2-14 kg in weight. The tail is about 70% of the body length, usually about 30-55.5 cm. The forefoot prin is 60 mm long and 45 mm wide. The fur is mainly red with some darker spots, but (depending on the location) it may be grey, silver, blackish and many more colours.
The mating happens in spring. The gestation lasts 49-58 days and the juveniles reach sexual maturity at 9-10 months. The lifespan is about 5-15 years.
The red fox is an omnivore. It feeds basically on rodents, birds, leporids, raccoons, reptiles, insects, berries, cherries, apples and acorns.